Monday, 16 January 2012

Prelim Exercise - Who Ate The Muffins?

So to start off with our foundation exercise we had to make a short piece of film using THREE key aspects of filming.

  • 180 Degree Rule - Not Crossing The Line.
  • Shot Reverse Shot.
  • Eye-Line Match.
We filmed our short sequence in our tutors office, which would make it look more realistic too the audience. An Office scenario was perfect to practice the rules and techniques we needed to put across in our Prelim exercise. We made sure we had more than enough footage so that during editing we didn't have to go back and re film anything we missed out. 

Each of member of our group had a chance to edit a bit of the sequence, we encountered problems but nothing which wasn't solvable. We had to tweak the back ground noise and replace it with another sections sound as noise was effecting our shot. We didn't try anything special such as editing the colour saturation or contrast as we wanted to explore the editing tools for editing further when we have shot the opening sequence for our final piece.

Overall I think that me and my group succeeded this task and clearly demonstrated all these three points. We used a variety of close ups and panning techniques to make sure that the 30 second piece of film flowed swiftly from each cut to the next. The continuity was fluid and we made sure that nothing seemed to jumpy whilst editing it together.

  • Make sure the acting in the piece is continuous throughout filming.
  • Keep people on set quiet so it saves time editing bits of noise out.
  • Experiment more with lighting and camera angles.

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